Do your Clients Know What you Do?

Do your Clients Know What you Do?


I was recently speaking with a friend who was expressing some frustration with his employer.  They had sent him to a meeting where he was restricted in what he could market.  He had numerous potential clients come up to him to ask about products he was prevented from selling to members of this organization.  His frustration was evident – he had to turn away clients who wanted to buy what he sold.

How often do we do the same thing, just not as consciously?  If you asked your clients what you do and what products you can sell how many of them would be able to come close to adequately explaining what you do?  I was taught if I can’t explain something clearly I don’t understand it.  That is true with your clients too.   If they cannot clearly explain back to you what you do they do not have a clear understanding of what you do.  

If you clearly convey to your clients the services you provide and the products you sell the number of times you find out one of your clients wet to someone else for those services and products will decrease.

As a reminder, Advisors Choice delivers thoughtful, consultative services and support while also making the insurance process as easy as possible enabling you to give your clients the service they expect and deserve.